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Christian Funeral Service Package

Preparing a Christian funeral can be a challenging task to face by a grieving family. With the expenses and several chores to take care of, it can be overwhelming and stressful. When our loved ones pass, we want nothing but an honourable and heartfelt farewell that they deserved.


Eternal Life specialises in providing a Christian funeral package including all the essential needs and items at an affordable cost for a complete Christian funeral. We provide packages and services without hidden fees and extra charges unless additional services are requested. Our transparent pricing for our services together with 24-hour support has allowed us to build trust and be able to deliver fitting funeral services for countless families in Singapore. Our packages also have several options for flexibility that can meet all the needs for a proper funeral arrangement.


Christian Funeral Service

Christians in Singapore believe in the afterlife, where believers in Christ will return to God in Heaven. Those who reside in Heaven are believed to be free of pain and suffering, and granted eternal life.


Christians consider funeral rites to be of utmost value. The funeral rite is often held in a Christian church where the attendees offer prayers, sing hymns, and listen to the pastor’s sermons for the soul of the parted.


It is also the time for the family and their relatives to commemorate the life of their departed loved ones. A eulogy is often held in Christian memorial service to share the people’s final messages to their deceased loved ones.


One of the aspects that define a Christian funeral is that it seeks to fulfill the final wishes of the deceased. This is what an honorable funeral rite is for Christians.


The ambiance can range from simple to decorative depending on the deceased last wish or the family’s request. It is also upon the family’s discretion if a casket or an urn will be used and whether there will be an altar of flowers or plain draperies.


Our Christian Funeral Package

Eternal Life Bereavement Services is specialized in handling Christian memorial services. Our dedicated staff is skilled and knowledgeable of the ceremonies, traditions, and customs which are strictly followed by Christians.


We also offer a complete package for an ideal Christian funeral service. Our package includes most of the amenities needed for a Christian funeral. It can also be customized to meet the wishes of the deceased and his/her family.


As a funeral is a sacred and solemn event for Christians, we see to it that you will have the time you need to properly grieve for your loved ones. We will be handling most of the tasks to ensure that you and your family will not be troubled during this very important time.


What is a Christian Funeral?

Christians strongly believed in the afterlife and when someone dies, the soul’s destination is solely judged by God. A funeral is an important social event for the Christian community. It is the time where they gather together to commemorate and celebrate the life of their fellow Christian brother/sister who has now found his/her way in the presence of the Lord.


Christian Funeral Traditions

Most Christian funeral traditions are accompanied by a testimonial speech and prayers from family members and friends to recall and remember the life and times of the departed loved one during their brief stay on Earth. It is both a solemn occasion as well as celebration since the spirit of the deceased is now in Heaven which is now inseparable to the love of God.


Christian Funeral Services

Most of the Christian funeral services are held at local churches or memorial chapels where close friends and relatives can visit to partake in the celebration as well to grieve with the family members.


Christian Funeral Packages

Christian funeral packages are much simpler but sometimes varied in some degrees depending on the wishes of the deceased or the decisions of the family member. The setup consists of Chrisitan decorations such as a cross stand, a backdrop, tentage and casket.


The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

– Psalm 23:1-4 NIV


What to expect from us

Eternal Life Bereavement Services has been handling Christian Funeral services for over 20 years. Our staff is composed of knowledgeable and skilled individuals who can assist you with all your needs throughout the funeral service. We offer 24/7 assistance to our clients to ensure that you will not be left with trouble. We understand that this is a difficult time for you and your family and we wished to somehow ease your grief and provide a little comfort by securing everything for you until the interment.


Rest assured that you will be working with a professional team that knows how to value your parted loved one’s funeral rites the way you do. We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients are free with most of the troubles often associated with holding a funeral service. That way, you can properly grieve the loss of your loved one which is the least we can do to help you cope.


Package Details


A simple, furnished half-glass coffin (E15)


Pallbearers and Transport


Embalming and Make-up

  • Washing and dressing of deceased
  • Embalming
  • Make-up and touchup



  • 3-sided Memorial Hall setup
  • 6 fans and general lighting
  • 100 chairs, 15 square tables and 10 round tables

Christian Decorations

  • Christian Backdrop
  • Cross stand


Floral Decorations

  • Simple Table Floral Arrangement
  • Floral Photo Wreath


Air Conditioned Bus

  • 40 seat air conditioned bus


Classic Hearse


Ash Collection Service


24 hour support



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Contact Us Anytime

Let our experienced undertaker take care of your funeral needs at an affordable cost. View our list of affordable funeral services today or call us for more info.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will see eulogy services, along with other services that includes a prayers and a priest giving blessings.

It is a service marking the passing of a loved one. Stories of the loved one is shared among friends and families in remembrance.

The memorial service is typically led by a pastor, usually one that is from the church the deceased belongs to. Families and friends may write an eulogy that can be delivered during the service.

The memorial service is a solemn, yet hopeful celebration of the life of the bereaved family’s loved one. Do adjust your expectations to the atmosphere of the memorial service and the emotions of the bereaved family.


We Can Help

If you have any questions about us or our services and pricing, do not hesitate to leave us a message via the form below. If urgency is required, our funeral directors are just a call away and we will respond immediately without fail.

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